Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics The Extent of Your Love

The Extent of Your Love

Lyrics Of The Song The Extent of Your Love

Song ID 29

for em give my diso bm bedience when i c do as i please i c am onfess my pride my guilt and doubts to c you oh b God father em speak to me and d discipline ask c me to obey Jesus am help me to lay down my life just c as you c did d7 the nails say it g all you were lashed with a g scourge the prin c9 ce of peace was spit on and am shamed like a d sinner you c paid for it g all when we cm hated you a th g orny coronation c crowned the d savior k g ing now em i know of a bm ll your goodness c Lord ive tasted and seen you am are so much more than any phrase could e c xpress b i am yo em urs now and fore d ver God do as c you will i submi am t my life into your hands for you c are go c d d7 you dont h am ave to speak for me to know the em extent of your l d ove you dont am have to speak for me to d know a thorny coronation crowned the savior king

The Extent of Your Love.mp3

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