Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics The Last Days Anointing

The Last Days Anointing

Lyrics Of The Song The Last Days Anointing

Song ID 2495

acts 2 17 joel 2 28 verse in the last days shall i pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams and on my menservants and maidservants ill pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy despite the great tribulation my anointing would be mighty upon the face of the earth like never before and i shall manifest myself greatly fear not for im with thee if you believe in me the works that i did you will also do but greater works than i did because im with my father id grant you the power to stand before kings and cause nations to tremble and shake just as it was with moses and elijah also the power to change nature and command it to obey the power to command mountains to move the power to work creative miracles all the powers that manifested when i walked the face of the earth and in the time of the prophets of old shall be repeated but this time in a much greater measure im lifting up a faceless company of people who would perform specific tasks for me in this last days id use them mightily even children to declare my glory in all the earth before my coming for im the God who uses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise and the weak things to shame the mighty the lowly things and the things which are despised have i chosen also the things which are not to bring to nothing the things that are that no flesh should glory in himself eyes have not seen nor ears heard neither has it entered into the heart of men what ive prepared for those who love me gird your loins and get ready for the powers of this age which is made manifest gradually before you this promise is to you and your children and to all who are afar off as many as i will call let him who has ears hear what the spirit sayeth unto the church in these last days blessed is he who hears the words of this prophecy and keeps them x my spirit is right here in this place the last days anointing in this place ill pour out my spirit on all flesh my spirit descending in this place have your way holy spirit 8x rap his spirit is right here in this place the last days anointing which he spoke through the mouth of the prophet joel this anointing is basically prophetic God is lifting up a group of faceless nameless and selfless generation of people who would work the end time harvest with power and might before his second coming to this i bear witness cos ive been called to be a witness of the gospel of the kingdom of christ Jesus and this is exactly what am doing with the scriptures no distress unlike the gift of the holy spirit which is given freely to all believers the last days anointing comes with a price its all about holiness and readiness to take up your cross and follow Jesus nevertheless humility is another key so say no to pride talk to Jesus now hes right here in this place anointing you for the last days so you can prepare the way before that great day have your way 3x holy spirit have your way have your way holy spirit have your way have your way 2x

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