Lyrics Of The Song The Lords Supper (Communion)
Song ID 1857
in remembrance of me we celebrate the Lords supper today because of what Jesus said and did at the last supper if it were not for Jesus words and actions at the last supper the christian church would never have communion together by taking part in these actions we remember the life death and resurrection of christ give thanks to God share Gods love with one another and look forward to the coming of Gods reign in all its fullness communion demonstrates the unity which is Gods gift to the church when we eat and drink at the Lords invitation we obey his command and respond to his prayer that the church may be one john 17 11 as a sign to others the Lords supper is an enacted parable of Gods reconciliation of the world through christ the Lords supper is both a memorial meal and a feast of thanksgiving in the supper we meet the risen christ commune with saints both past and present and share a foretaste of the messianic banquet sealed in Gods covenant of grace through eating and drinking at the Lords table we are nourished to be christs body in the world the Lords supper is indeed the joyful feast of the people of God
The Lords Supper (Communion).mp3
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