Lyrics Of The Song There is a Name I Love to Hear
Song ID 234
there is a name i love to hear i love to speak its worth it sounds like music in my ear the sweetest name on earth o how i love the saviours name o how i love the saviours name o how i love the saviours name the sweetest name on earth it tells me of a saviours love who died to set me free it tells me of his precious blood the sinners perfect plea it tells of one whose loving heart can feel my deepest woe who in my sorrow bears a part that none can bear below it bids my trembling heart rejoice it dries each rising tear it tells me in a still small voice to trust and never fear Jesus the name i love so well the name i love to hear no saint on earth its worth can tell no heart conceive how dear
There is a Name I Love to Hear.mp3
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Hits: 6