Lyrics Of The Song We Bow Down and Worship Yahweh
Song ID 2807
awesome wonder mighty ruler king of all the earth we bow before your throne awesome wonder mighty ruler king of all the earth we bow before your throne we bow down and worship yahweh we bow down and worship yahweh come on everybody lift your voice lets worship we bow down and worship yahweh we bow down and worship yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh we call you yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh we worship you Lord yahweh yahweh yahweh Lord God almighty yahweh yahweh yahweh king of kings Lord of Lords the master of the universe yahweh yahweh yahweh we lay our lives before you by our knees we worship yahweh yahweh yahweh we bow down and worship yahweh we bow down and worship yahweh kofi karikari of ghana also sings the same chorus we bow down and worship yahweh
We Bow Down and Worship Yahweh.mp3
We Bow Down and Worship YouTube
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