Lyrics Of The Song We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise
Song ID 707
d as we come into your house and we bm gather in your name its a p g rivilege to be here were so very glad we cam a e we can s d ense your holy presence and the bm warmth of your embrace as we g lift our hearts to worship well bring the sacrifice of a praise d we bring the sacrifice of praise into the g house of the Lord d d we bring the sacrifice of praise into the g house of the Lord d and we g offer up to d you the sacr em ifices of thank d sgiving and we g offer up to d you the sacr em7 ifices of jo d y d Lord youve taught us in your word to give t bm hanks in everything youll p g rovide a place of refuge beneath the shadow of your w a ings as we pu d rpose to obey you and to w bm alk in all your ways and in g every situation well bring the sacrifice of a praise
We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise.mp3
We Bring The Sacrifice Of YouTube
Hits: 11