Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Who is on the Lord’s Side

Who is on the Lord’s Side

Lyrics Of The Song Who is on the Lord’s Side

Song ID 3016

who is on the Lords side who will serve the king who will be his helpers other lives to bring who will leave the worlds side who will face the foe who is on the Lords side who for him will go by thy call of mercy by thy grace divine we are on the Lords side saviour we are thine Jesus thou hast bought us not with gold or gem but with thine own life blood for thy diadem with thy blessing filling each who comes to thee thou hast made us willing thou hast made us free by thy grand redemption by thy grace divine we are on the Lords side saviour we are thine fierce may be the conflict strong may be the foe but the kings own army none can overthrow round his standard ranging victory is secure for his truth unchanging makes the triumph sure joyfully enlisting by thy grace divine we are on the Lords side saviour we are thine chosen to be soldiers in an alien land chosen called and faithful for our captains band in the service royal let us not grow cold let us be right loyal noble true and bold master thou wilt keep us by thy grace divine always on the Lords side saviour always thine

Who is on the Lord’s Side.mp3

Who is on the Lord’s Side.video.mp4 YouTube


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