Lyrics Of The Song Yaya fanda nayo
Song ID 3159
kiti ya bokonzi na yo Yesu ee l ki makasi the throne of your glory so Jesus is powerful nani ako longolayo po tovota yo t none can dethrone you because we did not vote you ba mpaka mikolo ba mama bilenge decid wise men children mothers young people all decided ya ko tombola kiti oyo ya bokonzi ya yaya Yesu to raise Jesus throne repeat yaya fanda nayo father reign forever fanda nayo reign forever wumela seko na seko may your kingdom live forever repeat to vota kutu t no one voted for you to pona kutu t no one chose you wumela s ko na s ko may your kingdom live forever repeat ba polos kutu t you did not need to give out polos bribes ba chapeaux kutu t no need for hats politician bribes wumela s ko na s ko may your kingdom last forever repeat
Yaya fanda YouTube
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