Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics You Came to Us Dear Jesus

You Came to Us Dear Jesus

Lyrics Of The Song You Came to Us Dear Jesus

Song ID 2858

you came to us dear Jesus in our dying a g s f g broke em n b bm lee c ding we could make no sign c g om f g passi em on c lo d rd bm b c rought you where we were lying t g o f g lift em us f g up t g o pour on oil and wine you came to us dear Jesus in our yearning as faint and famished we before you stood compassion Lord our emptiness discerning moved you to multiply the loaves for food you came to us dear Jesus in our fearing our dread the lashing waves the tempest shrill compassion Lord drew you to us and nearing to wind and water you said peace be still you came to us dear Jesus in our sighing for blind and lame and paralyzed we lay compassion Lord turned you to still our crying and touch our darkened eyes with light of day you came to us dear Jesus in your dying your wounds poured love as blood upon the tree compassion Lord from calvary is crying bind up their wounds as you would do for me bind up their wounds as you would do for me we come to you dear Jesus in your brothers in prison needy hungry sick and cold compassion Lord sees you in all these others in touching them our saviors hand we hold c my g chains fell off my heart was free b7 i r em ose f g went g forth and followed thee b7 for em oh g m f g y God em it f g foun g d out me

You Came to Us Dear Jesus.mp3

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