
Lyrics Of The Song Akumama

Song ID 307

the Lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me besides still water my soul overflows and though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me you are with me anatawala x2 mwokozi Yesu atawala come and rain Lord come and reign for the glory is yours come and reign repeat akumama Yesu akumama eh na bomoyi nanga akumama wa milele na milele Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu Yesu wa baraka ni Yesu wa baraka ni Yesu ni Yesu x na kotika te Yesu abonanga banabo mana repeat Yesu wabonanga ni Yesu wabonanga ni Yesu repeat anachugulikia maisha yetu we ni Yesu ye Yesu wa baraka ni Yesu wa baraka ni Yesu


Akumama.video.mp4 YouTube


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