Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy

Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy

Lyrics Of The Song Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy

Song ID 199

baptized into thy name most holy o father son and holy ghost i claim a place though weak and lowly among thy seed thy chosen host buried with christ and dead to sin thy spirit now shall live within my loving father here doth take me to be henceforth his child and heir my faithful savior now doth make me the fruit of all his sorrows share my comforter will comfort me when darkest clouds around i see and i have vowed to fear and love thee and to obey thee Lord alone i felt thy holy spirit move me i dared to pledge myself thine own renouncing sin to keep the faith and war with evil unto death my faithful God thou failest never thy covnant surely will abide oh cast me not away forever should i transgress it on my side but if i fall hide not thy face restore thy child Lord by thy grace yes all i am and love most dearly to thee i offer now the whole o let me make my vows sincerely take full possession of my soul let naught within me naught i own serve any will save thine alone hence prince of darkness hence forever for i belong now to my God tis true i sinned but my dear savior hath cleansed me with his holy blood away vain world sin leave me now i turn from you God hears my vow and never let my purpose falter o father son and holy ghost but keep me faithful to thine altar till thou shalt call me from my post so unto thee i live and die and praise thee evermore on high

Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy.mp3

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