Lyrics Of The Song Bhekani ku Jes’ongu
Song ID 2305
bhekani ku jesongu mholi ke look at Jesus as your leader nophiwa amandla uyena he and you shall be given power uJesu unathi ngomoya la Jesus is here with us in spirit kepha ke ngale sizombona he but we will see him on the other side repeat yebo bakithi sombonga he yes brethren we will see him on the other side loduma izulu there will be thunder and lightning uJesufanelubukhosi nje for Jesus is worthy of the throne ehe wodunyiswa phezulu le yes he will be praised in heaven repeat siqonda ekhaya nithini na we are heading home what do you say masingathiyeki ngalutho la let nothing prevent us on that journey nxa sikholwa lapha sobona le if we believe here we will see him over there sohlala noJesu ku kuhle hle and stay with Jesus oh how glorious repeat loduma izulu x3 there will be thunder and lightning Jesu Jesu ma ebonakaliswa when Jesus appears
Bhekani ku Jes’ YouTube
Hits: 15