Lyrics Of The Song Bring The Rain
Song ID 3224
h a oly holy holy h f m oly holy holy is th d e Lord God almighty is the l a ord God alm e ighty i a can count a million times p d eople asking me how i can prais a d e you with all that ive gone through the ques a tion just amazes me can circ d umstances possibly c a hange who i f d orever am in you m a aybe since my life was changed l d ong before these rainy days its ne a ver real d ly ever crossed my mind to turn a my back on you oh Lord my only d shelter from the storms but instea a d d i draw closer through these times s bm o i pray e bring me joy bri d ng me peace bring a the chance to be free bring bm me anythi e ng that brings you glory a d nd i know therell be days when this life bri a ngs me pain but if that bm s what it takes to praise you e Jesus bring the rain a d a d i a am yours regardless of the dark d clouds that may loom above b a d ecause you are much greater than my pain y a ou who made a way for me by su d ffering your destiny so te a d ll me whats a little rain
Bring The YouTube
Hits: 8