Lyrics Of The Song Crown Him (Majesty)
Song ID 2800
am crown him with many f2 crowns the c e lamb upon his gsus throne hark am how the am g heavenly d f anthem g drowns all g music d but its gsus own a c e wake my soul and f2 sing of d him who died for gsus me g and am hail him am g as thy f2 matchless c e king through dm7 all e gsus terni c ty am crown him the Lord of f2 life who c e triumphed oer the gsus grave and am rose vic am g torious d f in the g strife for g those he d came to gsus save his c e glories now we f2 sing who d died and rose on gsus high g who am died e am g ternal f2 life to c e bring and dm7 lives that gsus death may c die f2 majesty c e Lord of all let f2 every throne be am fore him gsus fall the f2 king of kings o c e come adore our dm7 God who c e reigns for gsus evermore c am crown him the Lord of f2 peace whos c e e power a scepter s gsus ways from am pole to am g pole t d f hat war g s may cease abso g rbed in p d rayer an gsus d praise his c e reign shall k f2 now no end and r d ound his gsus pierced g feet fair am flowe am g rs of p f2 aradise c e extend thei dm7 r fragrance gsus ever swee c t f2 majesty c e Lord of all let f2 every throne be am fore him gsus fall the f2 king of kings o c e come adore our dm7 God who c e reigns for gsus evermore c forevermore all f2 hail re c e deemer gsus hail for c he has c e died for f2 me his f2 praise and c glory am shall not gsus fail through f2 out e gsus terni c ty all f2 hail re c e deemer gsus hail for c he has c e died for f2 me his f2 praise and c glory am shall not gsus fail through f2 out e gsus ternit am y f2 majesty c e Lord of all let f2 every throne be am fore him gsus fall the f2 king of kings o c e come adore our dm7 God who c e reigns for gsus evermore c g2 majesty d f Lord of all let g2 every throne be bm fore him asus fall the g2 king of kings o d f come adore our em7 God who d f reigns for asus evermore d praise em7 God who d f reigns for asus evermore d youre the em7 God who d f reigns for asus evermore d
Crown Him (Majesty).video.mp4 YouTube
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