Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics God Told Me To Flee

God Told Me To Flee

Lyrics Of The Song God Told Me To Flee

Song ID 3380

God told me to flee and God still says to flee flee from sexual immorality turn and run away let your mind transcend to the latter end dont lust in your heart for the beauty that will depart beauty is so fleeting and charm is so deceptive but the one who fears the Lord will always be praised yes they will so let your mind transcend to the latter end dont lust in your heart for the beauty that will depart do you know what it means my friend to have the fear of the Lord within the bible says it means to hate and turn away from sin keep your mouth from evil your lips form speaking lies turn from the evil and do good seek peace and pursue it all of your life the bible says that Jesus he is our peace he died on the cross for our release he rose from the dead so reigning sin in us might cease and that hed live within as the king on the throne in our hearts ruling over every one of our parts he made us holy for his glory and that aint no story God tells us to flee for God made each of us to be a holy temple his very own property so lets not interfere with Gods domain where his spirit now remains lets yield our body lets not steal whats not our property the bible says that Jesus he is our peace he died on the cross for our release he rose from the dead so reigning sin in us might cease and that hed live within as the king on the throne in our hearts ruling over every one of our parts he made us holy for his glory and that aint no story God tells us to flee for God made each of us to be a member of the body of Jesus christ his very own wife so lets not beat up his bride but lets give our lives to the Lord as sacrifices holy and pleasing to the Lord lets be zealous to flee from sexual immorality for God says flee

God Told Me To Flee.mp3

God Told Me To Flee.video.mp4 YouTube


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