Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Great In All The Earth

Great In All The Earth

Lyrics Of The Song Great In All The Earth

Song ID 3580

the a world is yours and everything in it its f m7 all at your command there is no d end to your dom e ain the a planets shake the galaxies tremble they f m7 turn within your hand there is no e d nd to your dom e ain no height or d d epth you dont su e stain g a reat in all the earth is your glory oh God the f m7 universe declares how amazing you are over d history and et e ernity you a d lone are Lord and e king bm there is a none like e you bm there is a none like e you bm there is a none like e you Jesus bm there is a none like e you

Great In All The Earth.mp3

Great In All The Earth.video.mp4 YouTube


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