Lyrics Of The Song I Love Him Too Much
Song ID 1289
when i first heard of Jesus his love and his grace my heart was over whelmed to think a king would take my place i cried Lord ill go with you every step of the way thats all i can do my debt to repay i love him too much to fail him now too much to break my vow for i promised the Lord that i would make it some how and now i love him too much to fail him now i told him i loved him it was easy to say but harder to prove it when temtationi cam my way for what good are broken promises i counted them but loss when i caught a glimpse of ture love hanging on a rugged cross oh the years have drawn us closer my love for him has grown each step has brought me nearer to my eternal home and im just too close to heaven to turn back now his grace will be sufficient im gonna make it some how
I Love Him Too YouTube
Hits: 5