Lyrics Of The Song Jerusalem the Golden
Song ID 2257
jerusalem the golden with milk and honey blest beneath thy contemplation sink heart and voice oppressed i know not o i know not what joys await us there what radiancy of glory what bliss beyond compare they stand those halls of zion all jubilant with song and bright with manyan angel and all the martyr throng the prince is ever in them the daylight is serene the pastures of the blessèd are decked in glorious sheen there is the throne of david and there from care released the shout of them that triumph the song of them that feast and they are with their leader who conquered in the fight and won for them forever their gleaming robes of white o sweet and blessèd country the home of Gods elect o sweet and blessèd country that eager hearts expect Jesus in mercy bring us to that dear land of rest who art with God the father and spirit ever blessed brief life is here our portion brief sorrow short lived care the life that knows no ending the tearless life is there o happy retribution short toil eternal rest for mortals and for sinners a mansion with the blest that we should look poor wanderers to have our home on high that worms should seek for dwellings beyond the starry sky and now we fight the battle but then shall wear the crown of full and everlasting and passionless renown and how we watch and struggle and now we live in hope and zion in her anguish with babylon must cope but he whom now we trust in shall then be seen and known and they that know and see him shall have him for their own for thee o dear dear country mine eyes their vigils keep for very love beholding thy happy name they weep the mention of thy glory is unction to the breast and medicine in sickness and love and life and rest o one o only mansion o paradise of joy where tears are ever banished and smiles have no alloy the cross is all thy splendor the crucified thy praise his laud and benediction thy ransomed people raise jerusalem the glorious glory of the elect o dear and future vision that eager hearts expect een now by faith i see thee een here thy walls discern to thee my thoughts are kindled and strive and pant and yearn jerusalem the only that lookst from heaven below in thee is all my glory in me is all my woe and though my body may not my spirit seeks thee fain till flesh and earth return me to earth and flesh again jerusalem exulting on that securest shore i hope thee wish thee sing thee and love thee evermore i ask not for my merit i seek not to deny my merit is destruction a child of wrath am i but yet with faith i venture and hope upon the way for those perennial guerdons i labor night and day the best and dearest father who made me and who saved bore with me in defilement and from defilement laved when in his strength i struggle for very joy i leap when in my sin i totter i weep or try to weep and grace sweet grace celestial shall all its love display and davids royal fountain purge every stain away o sweet and blessèd country shall i eer see thy face o sweet and blessèd country shall i eer win thy grace i have the hope within me to comfort and to bless o shall i eer win the prize o tell me tell me yes
Jerusalem the YouTube
Hits: 15