Lyrics Of The Song Kubarikiwa sio mali
Song ID 1206
ni mwaka mwingine tena it is another year nipepitia milima na mabonde that i have passed through mountains and valleys lakini tumevuka but we have passed tumeshinda kwa neema yake we have won by his grace siku yangu imefika my day has arrived na ninaimba haleluya and i sing hallelujah kubarikiwa sio mali to be blessed is not riches ni kunyenyekea it is in submission na kumpata Yesu and finding Jesus repeat ni Yesu tu sababu ya majira it is Jesus the reason for seasons ni Yesu tu twasherekea it is Jesus that we celebrate ni Yesu tu mkombozi wetu it is Jesus our saviour acha upendo wake utambae let his love flow x2 Mungu kapenda ulimwengu for God loved the world katupa mwanawe Yesu aje that he gave his son to come kwa sababu yetu sisi for our sakes kwa upendo kutuokoa by love to save us tumehurumiwa basi wote tufurahie we have been forgiven let us all rejoice umepata Yesu sema yeah have you received Jesus say yeah x2 amekuokoa sema yeah has he saved you say yeah x2 upendo wa ajabu utambae his great love let it flow upendo wa Yesu utambae the love of Jesus let it flow wacha upendo wake utambae let his love flow
Kubarikiwa sio YouTube
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