Lyrics Of The Song Majesty “By I_sol
Song ID 2050
solo 1 let the people shout for joy and say chukwu ebuka let the nation praise his name and say nara ekele let the church say he is great hes the king who reigns on high songs of praise to the king of kings he is worthy of our praise majesty king of all kings your name alone be praise 2 as we lift your name on high choir unison let the people shout for joy and say chukwu ebuka let the nation praise his name and say nara ekele let the church say he is great hes the king who reigns on high songs of praise to the king of kings he is worthy of our praise harmony solo 2 ocean divider jehovah shammah bright and morning star thats who you are 2 solo we call you all Jesus lion of the tribe of judah we call you Jesus the lamb upon the throne we call you Jesus lion of the tribe of judah we call you Jesus your name alone be praise
Majesty “By YouTube
Hits: 5