Lyrics Of The Song Majesty Your Grace has found me Just as i am
Song ID 1841
hillsong united majesty lyrics here i am humbled by your majesty covered by your grace so free here i am knowing im a sinful man covered by the blood of the lamb now ive found the greatest love of all is mine since you laid down your life the greatest sacrifice majesty majesty your grace has found me just as i am empty handed but alive in your hands here i stand humbled by the love that you give forgiven so that i can forgive so here i stand knowing that i am your desire sanctified by glory and fire and now ive found the greatest love of all is mine since you laid down your life the greatest sacrifice majesty majesty your grace has found me just as i am empty handed but alive in your hands majesty majesty forever i am changed by your love in the presence of your majesty majesty majesty your grace has found me just as i am empty handed but alive in your hands singing majesty majesty forever i am changed by your love in the presence of your majesty majesty
Majesty Your Grace has found me Just as i am.mp3
Majesty Your Grace has found me Just as i YouTube
Hits: 8