Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Moya ka Jehova

Moya ka Jehova

Lyrics Of The Song Moya ka Jehova

Song ID 864

moya ka jehova spirit of the Lord moya we nyaniso spirit of truth nant ibandla lakho heres your assembly yehla phezu kwalo come down to it lihole lilonde liwele phesheya lead it preserve it help it to cross over lihole lilonde lingene ekhaya lead it preserve it until home alinaw amandla ibandla the assembly does not have the power lakho okuma ngokwalo to stand before you bamb isandla sa bantwana bakho hold the hands of your children hol indlela yabo guide them on their way thina siye saba we are afraid uku hamba ungekho baba of walking on our own father thina siye saba jehova Lord we are afraid uku nyathela ngaphandle kwakho to take a step without you woza moya come holy spirit x moya spirit x moya holy spirit thina siye saba jehova we moya Lord we are afraid spirit ulithunzi lethu moya you are our shadow shelter spirit siphephelo sethu moya our refuge spirit moya holy spirit sizo qasha kuwe moya our help is you spirit sizo qala kuwe moya you are our beginning spirit bamb isandla sethu moya hold our hand spirit

Moya ka Jehova.mp3

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