Lyrics Of The Song Mukti Dilaye
Song ID 995
mukri dilaye Yesu naam shanti dilaye Yesu naam repeat peace comes to you in Jesus name salvation in no other name Yesu daya ka behta sagar Yesu daya ka behta sagar Yesu hai data mahan Yesu hai data mahan Jesus is the ocean of grace you are majestic Lord charni main tooney janamliya Yesu charni main tooney janamliya Yesu sooley pay kiya vishram sooley pay kiya vishram Jesus you were born in a manger made of wood you were crucified on the cross made of wood peace comes to you in Jesus name salvation in no other name ham sab key papon ko mitane ham sab key papon ko mitane Yesu hua hai balidan Yesu hua hai balidan for the remission of our sins Jesus has been sacrificed on the cross krus par apna khoon bahaa kar krus par apna khoon bahaa kar sara chukaya daam sara chukaya daam by shedding your blood on the cross you paid the full price for our sins
Mukti YouTube
Hits: 5