Lyrics Of The Song Not Worthy, Lord, to Gather Up the Crumbs
Song ID 684
not worthy Lord to gather up the crumbs with trembling hand that from thy table fall a weary heavy laden sinner comes to plead thy promise and obey thy call i am not worthy to be thought thy child nor sit the last and lowest at thy board too long a wanderer and too oft beguiled i only ask one reconciling word one word from thee my Lord one smile one look and i could face the cold rough world again and with that treasure in my heart could brook the wrath of devils and the scorn of men and is not mercy thy prerogative free mercy boundless fathomless divine me Lord the chief of sinners me forgive and thine the greater glory only thine i hear thy voice thou bidst me come and rest i come i kneel i clasp thy piercèd feet thou bidst me take my place a welcome guest among thy saints and of thy banquet eat my praise can only breathe itself in prayer my prayer can only lose itself in thee dwell thou forever in my heart and there Lord let me sup with thee sup thou with me
Not Worthy, Lord, to Gather Up the Crumbs.mp3
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Hits: 6