Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Pewe sifa Mungu mwema

Pewe sifa Mungu mwema

Lyrics Of The Song Pewe sifa Mungu mwema

Song ID 2751

am the one that the world had rejected with zero for a start a failure so undermined but in the midst of my pain there came a song to remind me youve never left my help is here right now pewe sifa Mungu mwema we give you praise good God twakubudu milele na milele we will praise you forever and ever he will turn your sorrow into a brighter day God will embrace you only trust put the weight off your shoulders pray trust believe he will answer you wait for your breakthrough just lift your voice in praise milele na milele forever and ever repeat

Pewe sifa Mungu mwema.mp3

Pewe sifa Mungu mwema.video.mp4 YouTube


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