Lyrics Of The Song Receive it
Song ID 657
i see the winds of the spirit taking you higher oh higher amen i hear the voice of the spirit moving you higher oh higher amen i see double promotion yeah receive it i see favour favour everywhere receive it i see miracle miracle in your name receive it in the name of Jesus take your blessings receive it receive it take your blessings receive it receive it take your healing receive it receive it take your miracle receive it receive it receive it receive it take your miracle x2 gwills nuel let them know jehovah lives in you my sister tell them let them know alpha and omega see you through my brother tell them let them know no weapon form against shall prosper ebube chukwu bara uba nebe anyi no tell them let them know i see double promotion yeah receive it i see favour favour everywhere receive it i see miracle miracle in your name receive it victor ike chant ololo lolo lolo oh a x2 God of miracle na my papa o God of miracle has done it for me
Hits: 9