Lyrics Of The Song Ufanelwe ukubongwa
Song ID 2704
ufanelwe ukubongwa you deserve our thanks ufanelwe ukudunyiswa you are worthy our worship nkosi Jesu uyingcwele Lord Jesus you are holy akekho ofana nawe there is none like you ezulwini zingelosi the angels in heaven zidumis ubukhulu buka krestu glorify you the christ sikhothamel zithula nemiqhele they worship and glorify you zithu fanelwe ubukhosi saying you deserve the kingship bantu bonkhe masidumiseni all the nations of the earth ubukhulu buka somandla let us worship the almighty sikhothame sicule nezingelosi bowing together with the angels zithu fanelwe ubukhosi saying you deserve the glory
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