Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Sambaza gospel injili ya Yesu iende isonge mbele

Sambaza gospel injili ya Yesu iende isonge mbele

Lyrics Of The Song Sambaza gospel injili ya Yesu iende isonge mbele

Song ID 3837

ooh hoo eih eih how will they know know that you love him so so sambaza sambaza gospel ya Yesu iende mbele sambaza injili ya Yesu isonge mbele sambaza gospel ya Yesu iende mbele sambaza injili ya Yesu isonge mbele sambaza sambaza sambaza injili ya Yesu iende mbele nisafishe moyo wangu nitumie kama chombo kisafi kote kote usikike kwa mataifa yote nitumie mashambani ofisini na mashuleni kanisani na kila pande kona zote mashariki magharibi kusini kaskazini how will know know that you love him so so let me go go to the whole world oh oh how beautiful eh how he propose who take the word to the world around ooh moto wa Yesu na ushuke serikali simamishe macho nayo yafunguke viziwi nao wasikie wafungwa waekwe huru waovu waache dhambi injili iende kote wote wakujue eh injili iende mbele injili iende mbele sambaza aah sambaza sambaza aah aah sambaza

Sambaza gospel injili ya Yesu iende isonge mbele.mp3

Sambaza gospel injili ya Yesu iende isonge mbele.video.mp4 YouTube


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