Niko Huru

Lyrics Of The Song Niko Huru

Song ID 1647

nataka nifunguliwe i want to be set free minyororo ya dhambi from the chains of sin niliofungwa niwe huru that tied me up that i may be free nataka nifunguliwe i want to be set free jela ya dhambi from the prison of sin niliofungwa niwe huru that tied me up that i may be free nipelekwe mahali palipo mbali na maovu be taken to a place far from evil niwe najua niko huru to always know that i am free nikitembea katika barabara ya maisha as i walk through the journey of life niwe najua niko huru to always know that i am free niko huru niko huru i am free i am free sababu ya damu ya Yesu because of the blood of Jesus niko huru i am free repeat nataka ufunguliwe i want you to be set free minyororo ya dhambi from the chains of sin uliofungwa niwe huru that tied you up that you may be free nataka ufunguliwe i want you to be set free jela ya dhambi from the prison of sin uliofungwa niwe huru that tied you up that you may be free upelekwe mahali palipo mbali na maovu be taken to a place far from evil uwe unajua uko huru to always know that you are free ukitembea katika barabara ya maisha as you walk through the journey of life uwe unajua uko huru to always know that you are free bridge uko huru uko huru you are free you are free sababu ya damu ya Yesu because of the blood of Jesus uko huru you are free repeat tuko huru tuko huru we are free we are free sababu ya damu ya Yesu because of the blood of Jesus tuko huru we are free repeat

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Hits: 7

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