Lyrics Of The Song African Praise Medley
Song ID 3234
hakuna wakaitasa Jesu hakuna wakufanana Yesu hakuu hakuna there is no one none like Jesus there is no one no one like Jesus their no one like him somebody praise the Lord now i will praise him everyday everyday i will praise the Lord papa i praise your name you are worthy of my praise papa i praise your name you are worthy of my praise you are worthy of my praise you are worthy of my praise Lord almighty i will praise your name live performance by nairobi pentecostal church men choir in us christ is the answer ministries citam additional lyrics not in clip pigieni Bwana vigelegele vigelegele kwa furaha shout to the Lord in rejoicing pigieni Bwana vigelegele vigelegele kwa furaha ameniokoa aah aah aah aah he has saved me
African Praise YouTube
Hits: 22