Ibada Lyrics ibada_lyrics Hauwezi kushindana

Hauwezi kushindana

Lyrics Of The Song Hauwezi kushindana

Song ID 257

hauwezi kushindana oh kushindana you cannot compete cannot compete na mwanadamu mwenye kinywa with a person with a mouth repeat kama maneno yangekuwa yanaweza kutoboa mwili huu if words were able to pierce this body mbona sasa ningekuwa na vidonda mwili mzima then my body would be full of wounds vita vya maneno kuna watu ni majemedari in the war of words there are generals ukisema mshindane mbona mikono mtainua if you were to compete you will lose kupigwa vita ni kawaida isikusumbue being fought is usual do not let it bother you wewe ni mti wenye matunda zoea mawe you are a tree with fruits get used to the stones lia kidogo nyamaza ili uchungu uishe cry a little then be quiet that the pain will end ukiendelea unawapa kichwa hao when you continue you confuse them more basi laza imani rejea vitani then pick up your faith and return to the fight wakikuona waseme umekuwa sugu when they see you to say you have become tough acha waongee acha waseme seme let them speak let them talk about you ila yuko Mungu wakuwaziba midomo for there is a God that will shut their mouths

Hauwezi kushindana.mp3

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