Lyrics Of The Song Yesu, huyu Yesu hakujitetea kabisa
Song ID 3152
though they talked with evil intents he forgave them na wewe uwasamehe uwaombee and you forgive them and pray for them kwa maana hawayajui wasemaya for they do not know wakifingyanga ubaya uwajibu kwa wema when they do wrong answer them with kindness usishindane na mtu wajibu kwa wema do not compete with anyone answer them with kindness ata iwe ni ndugu wa karibu wajibu kwa wema even if it is your close brother answer them with kindness si vizuri wewe usilipe kisasi wajibu kwa wema it is not good for you to revenge answer them with kindness tena wema uende wajibu kwa wema do good and leave answer them with kindness eh wajibu kwa wema oh you answer with goodness maana x2 because because
Yesu, huyu Yesu hakujitetea kabisa.mp3
Yesu, huyu Yesu hakujitetea YouTube
Hits: 11