Lyrics Of The Song Nifiche
Song ID 187
nifiche baba usipo usipo baba siwezi kufanya lolote bila wewe nifiche nifiche kwako nizae matunda mengi to abide in you Lord and for you to abide in me is the only way to live the only way a branch that i can fruitfully live mimi natamani kuishi ndani yako i long to live in your love oh Lord sifa na utukufu kwako i surender my will to you oh Lord ju hakuna mkulima kama wewe anaye safisha matawi kama wewe wanifanya nikae kama wewe ewe mzabibu wa kweli usipo usipo baba siwezi kufanya lolote bila wewe nifiche nifiche kwako nizae matunda mengi as i am an empty vessel only you can fill my heart desire father mwenye roho yangu eeh mfinyanzi wangu nijaze na roho wako baba ill be in yourself till i look like you cant do nothing at all without you mwenye roho yangu eeh mfinyanzi wangu nijaze na roho wako baba ju hakuna mkulima kama wewe anayesafisha matawi kama wewe wanifanya nikae kama wewe ewe mzabibu wa kweli you Lord are the true vine we are only the branches and we are sheltered in your vines to be fruitful every design you Lord are the true vine and am just a branch no help me help me x2 usipo usipo baba siwezi kufanya lolote bila wewe nifiche nifiche kwako nizae matunda mengi
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