Lyrics Of The Song Nisijione mkamilifu, kwa nguvu zangu
Song ID 3516
nisiamini hekima yangu juhudi zangu that i may not trust my wisdom and my effort nikutazamie Mungu to look to you God instead watao nisikia wakinishangilia when those who listen to me praise me niwaelekeze kwako that i may lead them to you watakao nifuata nikikufuata those who follow me as i follow you tuje kwako let us come to you na chochote kile kitaenda sawa and anything that goes well siombi ni wewe ujulikane i only pray that you will be known na popote pale nitaenda baba and in everywhere i go father siombi ni wewe ujulikane i only pray that you be known ujulikane x2 ewe Yesu ujulikane for you to be known Jesus for you to be known ujulikane x2 ewe Yesu ujulikane for you to be known Jesus for you to be known kwa maneno yangu tena matendo yangu in my words and in my actions natamani wewe ujulikane i desire that you be known kama vile maji yafunikavyo bahari like the waters fill the ocean natamani wewe ujulikane i desire that you be known uokoe waliofungwa wenye waliozidiwa save the imprisoned the overwhelmed uinue waliolemewa hakuna usichokiweza baba lift up the overwhelmed nothing is impossible to you father uokoe waliofungwa for you to save the imprisoned uwaponye waliozidiwa for you to heal the overwhelmed uinue waliolemewa for you to lift the defeated baba ujulikane father that you will be known ujulikane ujulikane for you to be known ewe Yesu ujulikane Jesus for you to be known repeat
Nisijione mkamilifu, kwa nguvu zangu.mp3
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